Tuesday, December 23, 2008

And So This is Christmas...

This year Christmas will be a very unusual one for me and my family. A very simple and quiet day is planned. Not many gifts, we don't have any decorations up, not even a tree.
My son is working the overnight shift throughout the holidays at a homeless shelter, and that has made me focus more on the true meaning and spirit of Christmas. My belief is that the really meaning of Christmas lies in Matthew 25-verse 40. " Whatever you do to the least of these, you do to me"
Although it has become such a cliche to say that the season is much too commercial and it shouldn't be about the presents, how many of us really take that to heart and cut back on all the excess? It is a very difficult thing to do, but there is a wonderfully warm and full feeling of peace that comes upon one when we say no to "stuff" and yes to serving others.
I wish all of you a Christmas filled with Joy, Peace and Thankfulness. We have so much.
God Bless You, and May Peace Be Upon Us All.

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