Sunday, May 4, 2014

Aura Photo (and the Zen of De-Junkifying One's Life)

 Reposting an archived post.... this one from 2008.

I have been spending quite a bit of time de-cluttering my living space in the hope that by having less stuff to distract me, I will be more likely to get way more important things done. It is a monumental task, and requires a lot of ''grinning and bearing it" as I throw away memorabilia from days gone by.
However, I refuse to part with a 30 year old high school photography class collage that has this image of me at its centre. I love the way the light and shadow play against each other.
These days many of us struggle with clutter. We who came of age in the 60s and 70s were raised on a diet of steady acquisition. More equals success!
It seems that the longer one lives in a particular home the worse it gets! Relocating forces you to get rid of stuff. I have lived in my home for over 22 years and in that time have acquired so many "treasures" that it has started to interfere with my daily life. I have bought vintage items with every intention of turning them into cool conversation pieces, only to find them shoved into some corner years later. My new mantra is " NO MORE STUFF!".
Now, you must excuse me as I toss out the baby teeth my dear old departed dad saved every time I lost a tooth. He had them all carefully labelled and stored in a little jar in his dresser.
Sigh... it's a good thing memories take up zero space.

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