Thursday, August 30, 2007

More from the Reunion (and why can't I get Jenny 867-5309 out of my head !)

A few more photos of my reunion. The shot on the left is of my best friend and neighbour from elementary school days and her funny, funny brother. I could have just sat and reminisced with them all night long. The photo below is of a classmate and me. I'm not really sure why it's in black and white but I kind of like it. Our families were friends and our dads were both principals.
I am definitely in a nostalgic mood. I think I'll crank up the tunes as I refinish some furniture today. Maybe some Led Zeppelin or old Eric Clapton. Enjoy this beautiful sunny day- September is just around the corner.

1 comment:

violette said...

Oh hooray! You look so cute!


Love, violette