Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The world's worst blogger

Really need to  get back to posting more frequently! Yikes!
Just looked at the last post and it was early January. Bad Jude!!!

Have just  been painting, writing and doing all the things that take up one's life while we are  busy making other plans.
Katherine Isaac Penner with guitar

 Have completed painting half my living room and now comes the hard part----putting the artwork back up.  This photo is one of my favourites and deserves a special place in our home.

 This is  my maternal grandmother  on the right with her guitar and, I think, her cousin. 
It was taken in southern Russia around 100 years ago before things got very nasty for my family  after the communist revolution in 1918 and they decided to immigrate to Canada. They left everything behind and  in 1923 travelled by wagon and  train to England and boarded the Empress of France, bound for a new life  on the Saskatchewan prairie. My  grandmother was 5 months pregnant with my mother when they arrived , so my mother was the first one of the family born in the new country. 
And my father's saga is similar but makes this one look like a cake walk. What a rich history we have. 
All for now, 
Peace Love and Joy to you.

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